Greetings from the McCartys! 2023 is moving at an incredible pace! Already it is April, and I bet things are as busy in your family as they are in ours! I hope this update finds you well and growing in the Lord! Here is a little from our family...
Tracy loves being Gideon’s grandmother! And next month, Gideon’s new little brother is due! Reuben is scheduled to arrive in early May. In the mean time, Tracy continues to teach at Born2Be - in a new location (again) just north of Bolivar. She also coaches a group of 4H kids in horse judging and accompanied them to San Antonio and Houston in the past few months for their very first competitions!
Gideon’s (and Reuben’s) Dad & Mom (Cody & Dakota) continue to make us proud. Cody faithfully works at Moore Supply while Dakota has been off due to the high-risk pregnancy (which is going great). She is looking into some Physical Therapy PRN positions in the Denton area, most likely in home health. Gideon is walking and talking and running and REALLY excited to meet his new brother! [And I have been put on restriction from buying him any more Hot Wheels.]
Trinity is graduating from TWU in May and should find out this week which internship offer she will receive for the next phase of her Dietician training. It could leave her here in Denton or require a move to College Station! She has become more involved in UNT/TWU’s InterVarsity ministry and helps their team out with music as well as continues to help the DCC worship team.
Remington also graduates in May and has signed with Dallas College Brookhaven Campus to play volleyball next year. It is a 2-year school, but oddly (and ideally) offers a 4-year Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education, which is her field of choice. We just returned from a great time with her on the DCA Senior trip to Washington, D.C. She is running track this spring, and excited about the future.
Sierra is making her way through her Freshman year and doing quite well! She is a member of the cast of Annie Junior and truly loves her Drama Club friends!
Maw is going strong. We recently lost a life-long friend in Sonny Firestone, which was extremely hard. Maw has been a comfort and help to Nonnie, as only friends who shared so many years can be. Maw also just had cataract surgery, which really improved her vision! Her other eye is scheduled for a week or so out. She loves spending time with Gideon and seeing her granddaughters do all of their things - almost never missing a game or performance. We are so grateful for her presence in our family.
My teams across Africa have been doing very well! With it being Remington’s senior year, I have done my best to delay travel until she graduates in order to “be at all the things” with her. This has delayed my presence in Africa… and will bring about an extended time there this Summer. My plan is to be in Dubai for a Global Summit meeting of all of our continental leaders, followed by 3+ weeks split between Zambia, Ghana, and Burkina Faso. I would greatly appreciate your prayers. Here are a few updates of what the guys have been doing:
West Africa
GHANA — Edward Alemya is doing a wonderful job modeling multiplication in his own church AND raising up a team of leaders to extend the reach of the gospel further and further throughout the Muslim-majority area of northern Ghana! One of his team members, Thomas, has taken our SI training to new places and established a second team — which is EXACTLY what we hope for! Some of the churches Thomas has trained now join forces every Saturday to share the gospel in the surrounding neighborhoods and villages of their area. So many people have come to faith that churches have outgrown the rooms in which they meet, and are now meeting under the shade of trees in order to fit everyone!
BURKINA FASO — Last year, Victor and I traveled across Burkina Faso with another emerging leader named Olivier. Olivier was somewhat new to Strategic Impact, but was hungry to learn and ready to multiply! Since that time, Victor has discipled, coached, and mentored Olivier and has traveled hours by bus to help launch SI in an area called Tiébélé. Things took off quickly! Just last week, Olivier reported that church leaders came together for evangelism and won 107 people to faith in Jesus in a single day!
MALI — Mali is Muslim-majority and an exporter of extremists into Burkina Faso. Last year, Victor traveled to Mali by bus to introduce SI to some leaders. On that journey, terrorists stopped the bus and held the passengers at gunpoint. Praise the Lord, they eventually released them with only threats and demands that all the women cover their heads. Last week, Victor returned to these leaders to fully launch SI - this time by plane! The training was received with great joy by these pastors who shepherd their flock in a very challenging setting. After the first day’s training, when it was time to go out into the community to share the gospel, the hosting pastor was broken hearted. He walked from door to door to all of his neighbors’ homes and begged forgiveness for not previously sharing with them the way of salvation by grace through faith in Christ! Many came to faith!
Sub-Saharan Africa
LESOTHO — Things are not always as productive or fruitful by numbers as we have recently seen in West Africa. In Lesotho, it has been rough finding pastors and leaders who are desiring to reach the lost in their area. Our faithful team of 4 pastors under the leadership of Henry Khoabane has worked very hard… and every open door seems to be met with a lackluster response and little true commitment. Please pray for encouragement for Henry and his team, and for wisdom and discernment as they seek pastors and leaders who hunger to reach the lost and disciple the new believers to maturity.
MOZAMBIQUE — Team Zambia traveled to Mozambique a few times last year to launch and then further the work of Strategic Impact. Here, the hunger was so great that they could not wait for us to translate the material into Portuguese! One man would read the Journey material and translate to about 20 others to hear and be equipped. This resulted in these newly trained Mozambiquans planting 6 new churches and equipping 216 new leaders in evangelism and discipleship skills!
2022 was a great year! Our 2022 Fruit of the Ministry is below. Of course, without your prayer, your encouragement, your financial support, and your participation in our Through The Nations events, none of this would have happened! We are looking forward to an even greater 2023 with your help!
Sponsorship Ticket Packages Available!
The ministry is Biblical. The vision is clear. The need is great. The fruit is substantial.
None of this would be possible without YOUR partnership in prayer and giving.
- The McCartys
Click the logo to support Strategic Impact Africa
STRATEGIC IMPACT is a 501(c)(3) in good standing,
so your financial gifts are tax-deductible, greatly appreciated, and wisely stewarded.
Mozambique Leader Launch training
Things that just make sense in an African bathroom...
FIRST EVER Wrestle Through The Nations - It WILL be back in 2023!
Never Miss an Update (we only send a few each year)
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