Launching SI in a New Area - Tunduma, Tanzania/Zambia - July 2017
Tunduma is a border town on one of the main crossings between Tanzania and Zambia. It is a strategic location for sharing the gospel since it is a main thoroughfare for the transportation of imported goods from the main port in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania into Zambia as a whole. LOTs of traffic back and forth! Our Zambia and Tanzania national teams converged on Restoration Bible Church on the Tanzania side of the border to launch Strategic Impact in this new area. The results were great, with 84 Pastors and Leaders trained through the 3-Day Leadership Thrust, 59 of which joined into the ongoing training of our School of Multiplying Church Planters, and 141 New Professions of Faith through the afternoon evangelism work out in the community. These Pastors and Leaders were from 9 different churches, so it was a wonderful group effort to start a movement to reach all of Tunduma with the gospel and plant Cell Churches across the city! After Tunduma, we started our journey inland toward Mbeya as we made the rounds, encouraging other groups of Pastors and Leaders involved with Strategic Impact. At this point, the journey was about 1/2 complete. >> NEXT >>