Business As Mission Exploration - Luwingu, Zambia - July 2017
We are attempting to become more "self-funding," meaning we are turning some focus to starting business ventures abroad. This will not only provide work opportunities for nationals, but also enable the multiplication in a region to decrease (and eventually eliminate) dependency upon outside funding. If you've spent any time with me discussing our ministry approach in Sub-Saharan Africa, you will have heard the phrase, "Until Africa Reaches Africa with the Gospel, Africa will Never Be Fully Reached with the Gospel." This is the "behind the scenes" portion of that. The nationally-led movements of multiplication must be self-sustaining in order for these Pastors and Leaders to run freely in reaching their own people. Business As Mission is the approach we are taking toward that end. The business entity we established in Zambia is called "Strategic Ventures Zambia Limited." We are moving toward being a cement reseller in the northern town of Luwingu. There will be more information coming about this as things develop. The photos below are of the day we spent in Luwingu checking out land and meeting with our Northern Province Director, Francis Kaluba Ngosa. The next stop will be Tunduma, Zambia/Tanzania - a border town where our Zambia and Tanzania national teams will launch SI and start establishing the work in a new city! >> NEXT >>