Bauleni & Kanyama, Zambia - Encouraging Pastors & Leaders - July 2017
We started our journey in Bauleni, a Compound near Lusaka, Zambia. This is the home of Sainet Phiri, our Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Director. You'll see some street scenes and lots of children. One of the characteristics of all compounds are the overwhelming presence of children in the streets. From there, we went on to meetings in Kanyama. Kanyama is one of the worst Compounds around Lusaka. According to UNICEF's research, it has a population of around 370,000. It's water supply is a mix of shallow wells and a few (unreliable) water spigots put in by the government. There is no connected sewer system, so residents use pit latrines. While these physical conditions are common in most of the Compounds, where Kanyama is extreme is crime. It is considered by many to be the second most dangerous Compound in Zambia, with alcoholism, petty crimes, robbery, violence, and prostitution being regular daily experiences - but again, these are the identifying traits of most any Compound around Lusaka. And this is where Pastor Njovu planted a church. Njovu serves under Dennis Sitali (our Zambia National Director) and is a part of the SI National Leadership Team for Zambia. He has been faithful to bring Pastors and Leaders together from the community and be intentional about reaching out with the gospel - bringing the true Light into a very, very dark place. They have seen a great response to the gospel through the past years, winning souls to Christ, equipping the next generation of Pastors and Leaders, and planting Cell Churches throughout Kanyama. This is demonstrated by his two Area Leaders, Pastor Kanga and Pastor Kapya, who help him in the work focused in Kanyama. Pastor Kapya saw so much positive growth and spiritual fruit that he influenced his brother - also Pastor Kapya - to join in with Strategic Impact where he shepherds a church in Mkushi. The second Pastor Kapya now oversees the the area around Mkushi for Strategic Impact! Mkushi was our next stop... >> NEXT >>